Learning Letters and Sounds


The awareness that letters represent the sounds in spoken words is called the alphabetic principle. It is a critical concept that children must understand as they learn to read. One of the basic steps in learning the alphabetic principle is recognizing and naming the letters of the alphabet as well as learning the sounds for each letter. Most strong readers acquire a working knowledge of letter names and sounds by the beginning of first grade. "Learning Letters and Sounds" provides parents and teachers with a quick and easy way to practice and monitor the sounds and letters their students know.


  • Letter For Parents Explaining How to Use Learning Letters and Sounds
  • 5 Lower Case Letter Pages
  • 5  Upper Case Letter Pages
  • 5  Combination Upper & Lower Case Letter Pages
  • 17 Pages Total

We love to use this activity with our Kindergarten students and struggling First Graders as a motivational way practice letters and sounds. This activity allows parents, teachers and students to monitor growth so it is perfect for RTI meetings and data collection as well. Instant download sent right to your e-mail!

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